Learn Education International Journal Thinking from Singapore

Take the next step of Learn Education, social business. And being invited to interview in International journal like Think from Singapore
 “Profit to create benefits In the social enterprise of the Asian region “led by Mr. Thanin Timthong, co-founder of Learn Education Company Limited, Khun Phat Techatewan and Khun Wisarut Vinyu Exclusive
Khun Thanin gave the view that “We started this company. With the goal of helping Thai education Without thinking that it is a social enterprise or not I just want to be a part in helping Thai education. Such dedication enabled us to receive the Thai Social Enterprise Award 2014 and the Social Venture Challenge Asia 2015, organized by the National University of Singapore – NUS. The national award is an important step for us. Develop another step. “

Think magazine produced by The HEAD Foundation, charity organization That cares about humanity Especially in the areas of education, politics and renewable energy

Read the full interview.