Learn Education Join the Ashoka group

Mr. Thanin Timthong, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Learn Education Company Limited, Social Enterprise for Education Innovation in the Group Lern Corporation Co., Ltd. joined Ashoka as a member of the global transformation and development community. Mr. Thanin joined Asoka members. (Ashoka), the year 2018, by Ashoka, who is an innovator for society with the belief that ‘Everyone can make changes. ‘Founded in the United States in 1980 with the goal of developing a strong social sector. Can solve problems and create good changes in society by themselves, which have partners as a global change organization, such as Facebook, Google IKEA Foundation and Disney etc. Mr. Thanin is changing the way of teaching mathematics and science in schools And with past life experiences Making him know that education is a way to a better life and Learn Education, a social enterprise he co-founded Is creating measurable social results and strong power in Thai education reform “I want all students to receive a good education. That is consistent with the interests and suitable occupations, “Mr. Thanin said. And he is also determined to reform the education system by encouraging schools and teachers to create change by bringing “Blended Learning Platform” that combines the advantages of traditional teaching with a variety of technology and teaching systems. Encourage students to study according to their abilities It is important to adjust the teacher role to be a coach. Learn Education collaborates with schools with advanced directors and enthusiastic teachers. By designing the system in accordance with the needs and being friendly with the teachers working with software developers Each school and teacher decides how much the system will be used and how Learn Education serves both public schools. Private and alternative By charging the schools that are paying and providing free services to needy schools Good results are Students receive 20% higher test scores according to national standards. The goal is to expand the program from 35,000 students in 150 schools at this time. To students 1 million people and ten thousand teachers who are the pins that he believes The need to apply educational technology to solve problems Will be a driving force for educational reform that is irresistible. In addition, Mr. Thanin studied research on learning and behavior of students. From more than 100 institutions working in the same area around the world and supplementing information gathered from the classroom He also saw many opportunities for job development. By expanding the curriculum from mathematics and science to other subjects Including civics and morals By developing trainkru.com, an online community that encourages teachers to exchange knowledge and teaching materials Including training, coding and new skills Which is useful for modifying the software to suit the classroom of each teacher Education system to be in line with the labor needs of Thailand as well