Businesses & Services

Out - School: Tutoring and Educational Guidance
LEARN Corporation provides tutoring services through a computer system covering all levels and subjects for Thai and international students both domestically and overseas with quality lesson content from experienced teachers on the “Learn Anywhere” platform, allowing students to study anywhere and anytime. Moreover, they can also study at the branches which cover all regions of the country. The affiliates include OnDemand, Ignite by OnDemand, TCASter, Learnneo, Premier Prep, EduSmith, Code Genius, and APPA, Learn Education.
Chain School: Private School Management
LEARN Corporation manages private schools and learning centers, focusing on curriculum development through Education Technology (EdTech) alongside educational expertise from its group of businesses. The first school under its management is LSP School (LEARN Demonstration School), followed by Crest School, an innovative learning center aimed at fostering students’ leadership skills and preparing them to adapt to future challenges sustainably.
Professional & Skills: Future Professional Skill Development and Learning Platforms
LEARN Corporation provides personnel development services for organizations and those who would like to develop future professional skills with EdTech and experienced instructors, through online learning, workshops, or boot camps. It also provides a service to develop a learning platform or Learning Management System for corporate customers, which has been entrusted by more than 500 leading organizations or hundreds of thousands of people nationwide. The affiliates include Skoodio, Learn Bridge, and Degree Plus.